The Real Reels

If you’ve ever wondered about the people behind those awesome videos that catch your eye on social media, get to know Shana Yurko.


Shana helps small business owners create standout content to grow their companies and attract new customers.


In this session of The Real Reels, Shana shares a bit about her career journey, a pivotal moment she faced and she also offers some amazing professional advice & tips on how to stop the scroll (and more!)


"Your course has given me the roadmap to confidently make videos."

So far I’ve gone from literally afraid to even record a video of myself in an Instagram story to just picking up the camera and doing the damn thing.  Personally it has shown me that video is a MUST for my business! More than just making videos, the Video Strategy Bootcamp has helped me strategize my video content to attract my customer and now I understand that every video serves a purpose. I also love that every video has a plan.

Joy Smith-Green
OB-GYN + Lactation Consultant
Trish Taylor


"My new video ads 4X'd my conversion rates!"

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