Alright my friend, I want to chat about a topic that is near and dear to my heart today.
We’re going to get personal, intimate, and deep.
So let’s pretend that we are sitting across from each other at the cutest cafe you can imagine, sipping the most divine coffee drinks while we laugh and waste the day away dreaming about the amazing places we are going to take our businesses.
Okay, now for the big reveal – and it’s one that will absolutely transform your business.
I am a firm believer that lack of confidence is one of the biggest things that holds us back in our businesses!
And more specifically – lack of confidence holds us back from getting on-camera for our businesses.
But anyone can create impactful videos for their business – no matter their experience or confidence level.
Because confidence can be learned.
That’s right my friend. You can learn how to get confident on-camera, even if you’re absolutely terrified – and I want to share my secrets with you.
And the best news (yes, it gets better!) – these confidence secrets can be applied anywhere in your everyday life! It’s not just for when you go on-camera.
So let’s get into it.
So before we dive into the details of this blog – let’s take a look at the most common feedback I’ve received from my audience about going on-camera for their business.
(See if you can recognize yourself in any of these!)
Top 10 objections to going on-camera for your business:
- I’m afraid of what others might think
- I’m nervous of being judged.
- Talking to a camera feels weird.
- I have a serious case of imposter syndrome.
- I feel ugly on-camera.
- I get so anxious.
- I don’t like the attention.
- I don’t like the way I sound on video.
- I’m terrified of rejection.
- I’m literally terrified of cameras and video.
Notice a pattern?
So many female business-owners struggle with confidence on-camera! So if this is you – you are not alone.
Let’s talk about how you can rewire your brain, so that you can step in front of the camera with confidence to make the biggest impact on your audience.

The Cure to Lack of Confidence?
I am no stranger to the whole idea of “rewiring your brain.”
In my late teens and early twenties, I struggled through one of the biggest mindset shifts I’ve ever had to endure.
I had to learn how to rewire my brain to overcome an eating disorder.
It was messy, complicated, and painful – anyone who knows anything about eating disorders knows that it’s about much more than just lack of confidence.
But friends, the whole process taught me that the mind is SO powerful.
I learned to treat my eating disorder as its own separate entity – it was not a part of my identity, but instead it was something that was attacking it.
My eating disorder was not me, and I was not my eating disorder.
Look at that statement again.
“My eating disorder was not me, and I was not my eating disorder.”
Now, I’d like to challenge you to replace “eating disorder” with “lack of confidence.”
Your lack of confidence is not you, and you are not your lack of confidence.
Doing this removes the power that the separate entity (lack of confidence) has over you. It allows you to separate it and not get it wrapped up in your identity.
Deep stuff, am I right?
Let’s take it a little deeper.
I’d like you to consider your brain and recognize that it has two distinct parts: your Rational Brain, and your Irrational Brain.
- Rational Brain (RB): This is the part of your brain that runs based on logic and truth.
- Irrational Brain (IB): This is the part of your brain that does not have your best interest at heart, and runs based on your insecurities, trauma experiences, and emotional responses.
My eating disorder spoke to me through my Irrational Brain for a long time.
- It told me I wasn’t good enough because I was over 115 lb.
- It whispered in my ear that I wouldn’t get the job if I didn’t hit a certain number on a scale.
- It said that I could have kept that guy’s interest if I was just a little bit skinnier.
- It made me believe that all anyone could see when they looked at me were my jiggling thighs or double chins.
- It made me think my weight was my worth.
My therapist recommended that I start recognizing in the moment when my Rational Brain was speaking, and when my Irrational Brain was speaking.
At first it was hard – but with practice, it became easier.

The key to shifting your mindset and reversing the power of your Irrational Brain is this: recognizing in the moment when the Irrational Brain speaking, and flip the narrative by asserting the truth with your Rational Brain.
I realized that once I recognized my Irrational Brain was speaking – I had the power to rewire my brain to listen to the Rational Brain instead.
Some things the good ol’ RB said to fight against my eating disorder and the IB:
- That 115 lb was not a healthy weight for me.
- That I would get the job if I was qualified.
- That I definitely did not want to keep that guy’s interest because he was an ass to begin with and good riddance to him.
- That when people looked at me they saw the whole of my being – my smile, my relationships, my heart, my personality, my value and my skills.
- That my worth is not dependent on my weight.
Once you learn to recognize when your Irrational Brain is speaking – it becomes easier to smack it down with the truth of the Rational brain.
This same concept can be applied with ANY mindset shift!
Let me show you.
Maybe your Irrational Brain sounds something like this:
- “You definitely should not make that video – look at yourself, you look ridiculous.”
- “Nobody is going to care what you have to say.”
- “Everyone’s going to judge you for making videos”
- “Who’s going to take advice from you?”
- “You sound like you don’t know what you’re talking about, who’s going to take you seriously?”
This is the part where you need to flip the narrative and assert your Rational Brain.
- I SHOULD make this video because it will move my business forward and help me serve my ideal customers. And I do not look ridiculous, I look awesome.
- Maybe not everyone will care what I have to say, but the right people will care what I have to say.
- The people who judge you are doing so from a place of insecurity – and in the long run they don’t matter because they don’t pay your bills.
- My ideal customers and dream clients are going to take advice from me because I have the information that they are seeking!
- I absolutely know what I’m talking about – I am speaking about topics that I’m an expert on, and I am bringing value to my audience.
So you’ve successfully shut down the Irrational Brain with your Rational Brain, and you’ve recognized that you are not defined by your lack of confidence.
Make sense?

The power of mindset shifts
Alright, our coffee date is coming to an end. Our drinks are long gone, and we can see the inside bottom of our coffee mugs.
All that’s left to do is hug goodbye and go about our day.
But I want to leave you with this last little tidbit:
Your mind is so powerful, my friend. It has the power to hold you back – or to propel you forward!
And with that – I’m out.
Happy brand-building my friend!
PS – If you’re excited about this content – and want to learn more about how to get confident on-camera – sign up for my Confident On-Camera Mini-Course! It’s 100% free and you should totally check it out if you’ve gotten this far into the blog!!

What you’ll learn in the free mini-course:
- How to deal when you’re literally scared to death of cameras and video
- How to feel less awkward talking to a camera (or phone, or laptop)
- Strategies to deal when you get anxious or nervous or have little insecurities about going on-camera for your business
- Strategies to help you show up as your best self – in how you look and what you’re saying on video!
- How to get over the fear of being judged and misunderstood
- How to shut down your internal dialogue that keeps telling you nobody is going to bother with your videos or care what you have to say
- Why you should be showing up consistently anyways!
- What to say when you go on-camera
- What to do if your mind goes blank and you forget what you had planned to say
- How to tackle imposter syndrome
- How to create a video in 5 minutes or less